Pytest With Eric

Learn to write production level Python Unit Tests with Pytest

You may have come across the commands pytest and python -m pytest but find yourself puzzled about their differences.

Maybe you’ve seen your colleagues use either command interchangeably, and you’re wondering if they are the same.

Well, you’re not alone! It’s time to shed light on this mystery!

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Releasing software without testing is like flying a plane without a maintenance check.

Testing is a safety net that helps make sure your code works well, uncovers bugs and keeps the code in good shape over its lifetime.

When developing with Python, you can use the built-in testing library called PyUnit (Unittest).

However, there are other popular and highly equipped Python testing frameworks such as Pytest, Nosetest, Doctest, and Robot - which arguably may even be better than the built-in one.

Now given so many options, how do you choose which Python testing framework to use in your application? How do you balance the trade-offs between ease of use, features and performance?

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In software development, the importance of unit testing cannot be overstated.

A poorly constructed test suite can lead to a fragile codebase, hidden bugs, and hours wasted in debugging.

Not to mention hard to maintain, extend, redundant, non-deterministic and no proper coverage. So how do you deal with the complexities of crafting effective unit tests?

How do you ensure your code works as expected? What’s the difference between good and great software?

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While developing software, keeping track of events is crucial.

Logging serves as a means of tracking events to catch software bugs as they happen and learn more about the use of your code.

However, as your test suites grow in complexity, so does the need for effective logging to diagnose issues and maintain a clear understanding of test execution.

So, how can you optimize Pytest Logging?

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Ever been baffled by the “Pytest collected 0 items” error message?

It’s like setting off on a testing treasure hunt, only to realize you don’t have a map. This error often leaves many scratching their heads – what’s wrong? Why can’t Pytest find my tests?

At the heart of this mystery is Pytest’s test discovery mechanism.

Even in a well-organized project, Pytest comes back empty-handed, flashing the infamous “collected 0 items” message. It’s as if your tests have turned invisible!

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Picture this, you eagerly type pytest into your terminal anticipating a smooth run of your tests but instead receive the frustrating, “pytest command not found” message.

Have you experienced this before?

This error, though seemingly straightforward, can be a gateway to a myriad of underlying issues related to environment setup, package installation, and system configurations, bringing your testing to a standstill.

Well, you’re in luck.

There are some common reasons why this happens and mostly it has to do with Pytest installation or misconfigured virtual environments and simple to fix.

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Testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring code reliability and stability.

However, what about when your code relies on external services, APIs, databases or intricate libraries?

How do you easily test those features in a contained environment?

This is where mocking comes into play. It gives you the ability to simulate different scenarios, ensuring your code works as expected.

Now what if you wanted to simulate multiple values being returned by your mock object? Maybe different API endpoints, responses, variables or datasets?

Do you have to create a new mock object for each value?

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Creating a dynamic and efficient testing environment is pivotal to seamless execution of test cases.

Fixtures, a key feature in Pytest, play a crucial role in managing the setup and teardown of various test resources, from class initialization to database and network connections.

They help solve repetitive tasks, such as handling input data or establishing database connections.

Typically, developers explicitly pass fixtures into unit tests, enabling precise control over which fixtures are executed.

However, imagine a scenario where a fixture automatically executes for all test functions, eliminating the need for explicit fixture passing…

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Temporary directories play a vital role in testing by providing a controlled environment to execute and validate code.

However, managing temp directories and files can be challenging and often complex.

How do you handle issues like directory cleanup and portability across different platforms? What about ensuring isolation between your tests?

What if multiple tests need to operate on the same directories?

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As a software developer, you likely manage many tests. Especially as your code grows. It gets harder to track and organize these tests.

The real challenge isn’t just running the tests, but ensuring they adapt to changes during the project lifecycle and become easier to manage.

So how do you manage so many tests and choose what to run? How do you ensure tests are run in the right order?

How do you skip tests under certain conditions? How do you run tests on specific platforms? How do you run tests with different data sets?

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Fixtures are one of Pytest’s most powerful features.

They help manage setup and teardown of test resources such as database connections, network connections, initializing classes and so on.

But have you ever experienced the dreaded “Pytest fixture not found” error?

You’ve checked your code and tests a million times but cannot figure it out? The result - Your testing comes to a complete halt!

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Writing code without tests it is like delivering a half-baked cake.

Mocking plays a crucial role in unit testing by isolating code under test from its dependencies, such as external services, APIs, or complex libraries.

While mocking is super helpful, how do you ensure that the code under test interacts correctly with all its dependencies? After all, it’s not possible to mock each and every function. Not only would it be messy, but incredibly hard to maintain and debug.

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Testing is a pivotal pillar in the expansive world of Python development, ensuring code robustness, reliability, compatibility and peace of mind.

One key aspect of testing is “mocking” — a technique allowing parts of a system to be replaced with controlled stand-ins, enhancing test isolation and control.

In this context, you may have come across tools like the ‘mocker’ fixture, that makes mocking in Pytest easy.

However, have you encountered the common pitfall fixture ‘mocker’ not found error?

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Have you ever been stuck debugging a unit test, only to be overwhelmed by cryptic error messages? Maybe you can’t figure out which line of code is the culprit?

Debugging tests can be a real challenge, especially if you’re not very familiar with the testing framework.

What if there was a way to make debugging easier? A way to get more detailed information about test failures, so you could quickly pinpoint the problem?

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Testing code is paramount, it ensures your code behaves as expected.

If you write Python unit tests, you’re likely familiar with the MagicMock class, which enables the simulation of object behaviours for testing purposes, especially when your code has external dependencies.

One common testing scenario is checking how your code handles exceptions.

But how can you simulate an exception being raised from a mock object (like a mocked function)?

How can you leverage MagicMock to raise exceptions deliberately, mimicking error scenarios during testing?

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Running tests with Pytest is straightforward for simple programs. However, things get a bit tricky when your program relies on pre-setup tasks like database initlializations, external network calls, or complex objects.

While these tasks are a simple, handling them in your tests may seem less intuitive. So, how can you tackle this challenge in your testing process?

How do you ensure that tests run in an isolated environment, without interference from other tests while also handling resource set up?

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Asynchronous task processing has become a cornerstone for building efficient and scalable applications in today’s fast-paced world.

Users perform actions and expect results near real-time. This can be efficiently handled with distributed computing and asynchronous task processing.

At the heart of this asynchronous revolution lies Celery, a powerful and popular distributed task queue framework for Python.

Celery empowers you to offload time-consuming tasks to the background, allowing applications to remain responsive and performant while handling resource-intensive operations.

While Celery simplifies the implementation of asynchronous workflows, testing them can be challenging.

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As a software developer, you’re no stranger to the importance of effective testing strategies, especially Test-Driven Development (TDD).

As projects become complex, so do the testing requirements, leading to repetitive and time-consuming test case creation. Is there a way to simplify test generation?

Fortunately, a game-changing solution exists!

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Have you explored passing command line arguments in Python? If you have, you’re likely familiar with the convenience it offers.

The capability to define and modify runtime behavior through command line arguments is a potent tool, and this is the reason, why it is widely used in the design of various libraries.

However, a question arises: How can you extend this versatility to your unit tests when using Pytest? How can you dynamically adapt the behavior of your tests during their execution?

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There’s no doubt that Pytest fixtures are incredibly useful and help you write clean and maintainable tests.

But what if you want to do something more dynamic?

Maybe set up a database connection or pass different data inputs to each test case?

Setting up and tearing down identical fixtures with very minor changes leads to code repetition and maintenance nightmare.

Maybe you want to parameterize your fixtures?

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